Muddy Waters, pas la pollution, non, mais surnom donné par une grand-mère, et à§a devient nom de scène, d’un gamin qui joue dans la boue, et mouvement de la terre qu’on travaille vers la ville, homme charnière, Lomax qui l’enregistre et lui demande s’il connaissait Johnson, et Waters de lui parler de Son House, ceux du passé qu’il porte, ombre portée, des savoirs qui se transmettent en jouant, et son influence sur ce qui va advenir, des Stones etc., charnière aussi d’avoir appris avec Son House, mais aussi en écoutant des disques et les repiquant à l’oreille, et cette révélation du disque que lui envoie Alan Lomax, cette photo où il pose en costume, le disque en main, écouter et constater par l’enregistrement que capable de faire tout aussi bien que ceux qu’il a entendus, et cette importance de la voix, pas la guitare, mais sa propre voix, et ce qu’elle porte :
"He brought his stuff down and recorded me right in my house," Muddy recalled in Rolling Stone, "and when he played back the first song I sounded just like anybody’s records. Man, you don’t know how I felt that Saturday afternoon when I heard that voice and it was my own voice. Later on he sent me two copies of the pressing and a check for twenty bucks, and I carried that record up to the corner and put it on the jukebox. Just played it and played it and said, ’I can do it, I can do it." Wikipedia
interview de Muddy Waters par Alan Lomax, Stovall plantation, 31/08/1941
Alan Lomax : I wonder if you՚d tell me, if you can remember, ah when it was that you made that blues, Muddy Water ?
Muddy Waters : I made that Blue up in ՚38.
Alan Lomax : Remember the time, the year, the..?
Muddy Waters : I made it up ՚bout the 8th of October in ՚38.
Alan Lomax : Do you remember where you were when you were doin՚ your singin՚ ? No, I mean, how it happened ? No, I mean, where you were sittin՚, what you were thinkin՚ about ?
Muddy Waters : Thinkin՚ a punchin՚ on my car. And I՚d been mistreated by a girl and it just looked like it run in my mind to sing that song.
Alan Lomax : Tell me the, tell me a little of the story of it, if you don՚t mind ? I mean if it՚s not too personal, I mean I wanna know the facts on how you felt and why you felt the way you did, that՚s a very beautiful song.
Muddy Waters : Well, I just felt blue, an the song came into my mind an come to me just like that song and I start to singin՚ an went on.
Alan Lomax : Well, when you ah, do you, do you, know is that tune, the tune from any other blues that you know ?
Muddy Waters : Well, yes, it՚s been some blues played like that.
Alan Lomax : What, what tune, other blues do you remember, are like that same tune ?
Muddy Waters : Well, this song come from the cottonfield and the boy went, put the record out, Robert Young, he put it out, Walking Blues.
Alan Lomax : What was the title he put it out under ?
Muddy Waters : He put it out, on as “Man Walking Bluesâ€
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, did you know the tune before you heard it on the record ?
Muddy Waters : Yes, sir, I knew the tune before I heard it on the record.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, who՚d you learn it from ?
Muddy Waters : I learn it from Son House.
Alan Lomax : Son House, who՚s that ?
Muddy Waters : That՚s a boy, pick a guitar…
Alan Lomax : Oh, and how old, how old is Son House ?
Muddy Waters : Ah, I՚m not even sure his age, he՚s about forty-two
Alan Lomax : Did you know Johnson, yourself ?
Muddy Waters : Robert Johnson ? No, I didn՚t know him, personally
Alan Lomax : Is a, is a, House a better player than Johnson is, you think ?
Muddy Waters : I think they both ՚bout equal.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, well ah, how did it come to first that you wanted to play the guitar ? Why did you decide that you gonna ?
Muddy Waters : I just loved the music and saw Son singin՚ an playin՚ and I just wanted to do it an I took after it.
Alan Lomax : Well, about how much have you practiced ? How many hours when you were first pickin՚ it up, how long did you have to play everyday to learn how to play ?
Muddy Waters : An hour and a half to two hours.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, everyday ?
Muddy Waters : Everyday.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, you remember what the first piece you ever tried to learn was ?
Muddy Waters : First piece I ever tried to learn was How Long Blues, whatever you wanna call it.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, did you learn that from a record or from seein՚ it ?
Muddy Waters : I learned that from the record.
Alan Lomax : How would you do ? How would you learn that song ?
Muddy Waters : We just heard the song, ya know, put out, ah, Leroy Carr put it out.
Alan Lomax : Would you sit down with the record and play a little of it and then try and play it ?
Muddy Waters : I just got the song in my ear and then went on and just tried to play it.
Alan Lomax : Well, how did you learn how to play with this bottle ?
Muddy Waters : Picked that up from Son House.
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, what do you call that ?
Muddy Waters : Just a bottle-neck. I call it a slide.
Alan Lomax : You call it a slide ?
Muddy Waters : Yes.
Alan Lomax : Wear on your little finger ?
Muddy Waters : Yes.
Alan Lomax : And how do you have that guitar tuned ? What՚s the name of that tuning ?
Muddy Waters : Spanish (strums guitar)
Alan Lomax : Spanish ? Do you know any other ways to tune the guitar than that ?
Muddy Waters : Well, I know the natural. Show you the natural.
Alan Lomax : Do you have another tuning, ah besides that ?
Muddy Waters : Yes sir, I have another tuning.
Alan Lomax : What՚s the name of that other tuning ?
Muddy Waters : That՚s just straight E, yes sir.
Alan Lomax : Straight E ? Do you have another name for a straight E ?
Muddy Waters : Another song for a straight E ?
Alan Lomax : No, I mean no is there any other name for that tuning than straight E ?
Muddy Waters : Well, we call it, we call it, a “cross notingâ€
Alan Lomax : Uh-huh, well can you play that other Country Blues that you played there then while ago that fast one ?
Muddy Waters : Yes.
Alan Lomax : In this same tune here ?
Muddy Waters : Yes.
Alan Lomax : Well, just a minute, I՚ll tell you when I՚m ready
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